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Deep Silence, Natures most intimate musical.

Writer's picture: blackcloudtat2blackcloudtat2

Welcome back, It makes me happy to have you back here with me again.

I really hope your doing well friend.

Today's blog post is about...

'Deep silence, natures most intimate musical'

So lets begin...

Find a nice, warm, quiet place where we can disappear for a short while together and get comfortable.

So...everything is singing to you. Silence itself awakens awareness and upon close attention you begin to realize that you are not this body. You are the spirit that is abiding deep within the heart and that the body is actually communicating to you all the time, singing to you.

Now close the eyes and take a deep breathe in with me….breathe in…..and breathe out. Pay attention to the sound the body is making. The lungs are expanding, the sound of the breathe being pulled in through the nostrils and the sound as the breath gets released through the mouth. The sound of the heart beating in the chest, the sound vibration of the blood flowing through your veins and flowing through every circuit. Really listen. The sound of the pulse in different parts of the body. Thoughts singing so loudly, competing with one another, some singing over each other so loud hoping to make it to the front row hoping you’ll “pick me” and interact with it. But we remain silent without choosing thought.

It's all a musical, yet we are not dancing.

If the music seems to stop it's because we have lost awareness and have become the character again, in other words stopped listening. But the music will still carry on playing in the background while the ego takes the stage.

After the beginning phase of silence, you enter into deep silence. The period where you witness thoughts slowing down and there is this unifying calmness in the air. A completely care free state. A state where “I'm fine with what ever happens” becomes the normal emotion the body carries. Completely accepting everything. A kinda complete surrender. A deep feeling of comfort and ease wherever the body seems to wonder to. Although thoughts can never stop, in deep silence the thoughts slow down because now awareness has awoken and there is a witness watching them all the time. This witness is simply that. An observer who Is being observed and who is not partaking in any thought & not identifying with any emotion. Thought and emotion are of the mind, and the mind is just a container of thoughts and a thought itself. Which is not you.

If you observe your true nature in deep silence you can experience the world in a totally different way than you are used to. In silence your birth and death are mere constructions of your mind. The character your ego wants to act out gets quieter and there can even be a few days or sometimes weeks of the ego sulking. A lack of energy, a feeling of depression can come over you. This is usually the ego being starved. But to whom is this depression happening too? The character. You are situated deep within the heart, you are untouched by this. Paying close attention to this you will find that there is suffering but no sufferer because the character is a mere construction of your ego so who is depressed? Sometimes the sadness can dissolve immediately but in most cases it takes some practice.

Silence is the root of everything, and its the presence of everything. Why do you think its called “Presence” because its a gift, just like “present”. Being present is a gift because its witnessing and accepting the unfolding of events here and now. Some would call this freedom. I think freedom is not a thing, its a feeling. Just like home. Home is not a place, if you pay attention you'll find that it's a feeling. Real freedom is freedom from the character because you've always been free because you are not this body, you are the soul abiding inside it so who is not free? The character. So...the one you are looking for is you. You have always been free. You cannot be hurt, you are safe & protected at all times because you are the spirit & not this body.

Welcome back friends. We're back in the room.

Now I understand that not everyone can practice silence for long periods of time like I am, and I'm not telling anyone too do anything. This blog is just a way for me to document & express my experiences freely and to communicate with those who are interested in becoming silent or living a more silent lifestyle, in other words a more present life in this age of noise and distraction.

Now do I think everyone should give it a try? Sure why not! It's simply not healthy to talk and listen to music all the time. Everyone can go a few hours of silence. Or can they? Haha. I think if it interests someone enough to try it then they should give it a go. However for the long term I think that if you don't have some yearning for spirituality and don't want to live a more spiritual life then silence wont be for you.

Of course I can't speak for everyone, some people won't like it and some people shouldn't do this, especially if you have mental health issues. So always consult your doctor before you try this.

I'm a tattoo artist and I've made it work for me so I don't see why you can't too? I do understand that in some people's jobs you have to speak, but then again I thought that about mine too until I decided not too.

There is so much more I have to say but I'll discuss deep silence more in depth with you in future blog posts.

I hope you'll join me next time

Take care friend

All the love


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